Thursday, 20.04.2023.
HBIS GROUP Serbia donated ten computers to the elementary school "Dositej Obradović" in Vranovo for an IT cabinet. The donation was presented on April 20 by Zhao Kaixing, the company’s Executive Director for Engineering and Technological Support. With this donation, HBIS Serbia provides support to an important educational process, said Zhao, and it enabled the students of the school in Vranovo to learn how to work with computers and digital education.

"Modern technologies are developing at the speed of light, so these classes will be of great importance to you. In China there is a saying that a good neighbor is closer than a distant relative. We, as your closest neighbors, are always glad when we can help and provide support, and your school and our factory have already achieved good cooperation", emphasized Zhao Kaixing.
He reminded that the company HBIS Serbia helped equip three classrooms in this school with new furniture last year through a donation, and that on the initiative of the school's principal, the students of the oldest grades visited the plant in June last year, in order to get to know it better.

The principal of "Dositej Obradović" Primary School in Vranovo, Nataša Golubović, while handing over the Thank-you note to the company HBIS Serbia, said that this donation will enable the improvement of teaching, and that students can improve their knowledge in a quick, easy and accessible way and learn something new every day.