Wednesday, 19.10.2022.

President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, met today with the representatives of the company HBIS Serbia, led by the Director Song Sihai, where they discussed the results of that company's business operations in Serbia in 2021, as well as ongoing projects and future plans. The Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Serbia Chen Bo attended the meeting as well.
In the conversation with the representatives of the Chinese company and the Ambassador Chen, the President Vučić expressed satisfaction that the HBIS Group operates steadily in Serbia and achieves the planned level of production in very demanding and competitive steel market.
The representatives of HBIS informed the President Vučić that this company achieved the highest level of revenue in 2021 in Serbia since the takeover of the Steel Plant in Smederevo and added that compared to the revenue achieved in 2020, an increase of 84.5 percent was recorded last year.
The Director of HBIS Serbia Song Sihai emphasized that, despite the energy crisis and problems with supply all over the world, the production achieved during the first nine months of 2022 was 901 thousand tons, as well as that the volume of company’s exports to the EU27 market during the first seven months of 2022 was 397 thousand tons, which represents a growth of 3.9 percent compared to the same period last year.

In addition, the representatives of HBIS Serbia thanked the President Vučić and the President of PR China Xi Jinping for developing the relations between the two countries and forming the steel friendship of the two nations.
President Vučić confirmed the unreserved support for the company HBIS and announced that he will continue to work with our Chinese friends in order to improve and further develop the relations between our two nations.